
Positive News

I realize that the nature of certain realities in our world, coupled with the doomsday raving of many [most?] of our news outlets, can lead to feelings of depression, hopelessness, apathy, or nihilism among those of us who are receptive to the goings-on of the world. It is very easy for the empathetic-hearted to be affected by what they experience, even if that experience is read second-hand. It is human nature to care for our world and for our brothers and sisters, so there is no shame in reading a headline and reflecting on it seriously.

But it is also important to remember that there can be no shade without the sun, and that for every saddening story you hear, another one exists to lift your spirits. That is why I like Positive News, a UK website which is dedictaed to promoting those events and happenings around the world that bring peaceful resolutions to issues; highlights individuals who are striving toward noble causes; and discusses inspiring thoughts and ideas that are otherwise overlooked in news media.

It is a great way to hear about new and exciting developments and movements for which to involve yourself in!

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