
Iceberg, right ahead!

Ok so this isn't really a joke, but more like something from a frightening apocalyptic tale in which the benevolent majesty and power of the earth is unleashed, and transformed into a dangerous, vengeful force. According to the Associated Press, hundreds of icebergs which were once a part of a massive ice floe in the antarctic are now slowly, gracefully, ominously gliding across the ocean towards the southern island of New Zealand.

A maritime warning has been issued to ships in the area, as chunks of ice which average to be about a mile in depth are drifting farther north, in larger numbers than can be considered normal or appropriate for the area.

Climate change is undoubtedly culpable in this scenario, as Neil Young, a scientist working for Agence-France-Presse, has postulated. He told the AP that "If the current trends in global warming were to continue, I would anticipate more icebergs as the large ice shelves break up." Certainly this is a massive symbolic reminder that we cannot afford any further politicization of an issue which is, more than anything, at the pith of our very survival.

Perhaps if the icebergs were floating nearby Copenhagen there would be more of a rustle?


  1. this is unbelievable. of course, probably hardly anyone knows about this in this country. i heard less people believe in climate change in the US today than earlier this year. its a tragedy that not only are we run by a bipartisan plutocracy, but that hopes of democracy are burdened by a miseducated populace.

  2. Yeah, I heard that in Democracy Now! earlier today. It seems rather ridiculous that these polling groups from which we get our arbitrary information about American perceptions should even have to ask such a question about whether or not we "believe" in climate change, as if it's some fantastical fairy tale or santa claus or something. jeez...
