
Flower of the Week

Echinacea! Because 'tis the season for cold, sniffly weather, and this helpful beauty should always be kept close at hand.
It really does work like magic ;-)


50 Best Protest Signs

When Buzzfeed put together this list of the 50 Best Protest Signs of the year, I'm pretty sure they meant the 50 most hilarious. Check them out, they will certainly brighten your Friday! This one is my favorite:



Since the D.C. Council's vote on Tuesday to recognize gay marriage in the district reflected a mood of positivity and hope for continued civil rights legislation in the United States, the disappointment in the New York State Senate's decision not to provide the same rights for its residents was just that much more acute. I must say that my high-soaring hopes for liberty and justice for all in this country have taken a bit of a blow. Despite New York State residents' majority being in favor of supporting the legalization of same-sex marriages, our senators' actions apparently do not reflect our own opinions. The State Senate voted yesterday to overturn a measure approved by the New York State Assembly and supported by Governor Patterson, in a 38 to 24 outcome which now rejects equal rights in the state of New York. Sigh.


Congrats, D.C.!

Congratulations to the Washington, D.C. city council who made a monumental decision yesterday to recognize gay marriages. This means that same-sex couples who had been married elsewhere may be granted their inherent civil right to benefit from all of the privileges of legal marriage within the nation's capitol. Of course, the council's decision will now have to go to Congress to be reviewed, as is done with all of the district's legislation. And while there is some sneering opposition within the GOP, the outlook is mostly positive for the Democratically-led House of Representatives to give little effort to stop the bill from passing.

The 12-1 decision to pass the measure was ranked with some controversy within the city council itself, as its one opposing member, Marion Barry, cited an obligation to remain faithful to his religious constituents, many of whom were on the street protesting as the council deliberated. Barry was accused by council member David A. Catania, an openly gay representative, of being "bigoted," a charge which Mr. Barry denied, claiming that, despite his vote, he is a supporter of gay civil rights.

But despite the little bit of conflict, the council's move was brave, and has set the stage for a possible full-fledged legalization of same-sex marriage within D.C. Overall, it is a victory for marriage and for civil rights in the U.S. But most importantly, it is a victory for LOVE.


Awareness thru the Ages

A compilation of some of my favorite AIDS prevention posters from as early as 1984, found on avert.org :