
...Just a Prick?

So by now we are on, what? Like, month 6 of swine flu mania?

Like the Avian Flu and the West Nile Virus before it, the H1N1 virus has caused quite a stir in the U.S. over an ailment which in reality is on the mild side in terms of a true public health emergency. But the inconsistency of the swine scare with previously hyped health crises lies within the new implementation of mandated vaccinations.

So far, New York is the only state to have mandated that all health care workers be stuck with the vaccine, in preference to losing their jobs. That is quite a choice to give someone: take this medicine or you will be terminated. All across the state, hospital workers, home care attendants, and hospice workers alike are protesting this imposition on their health and on their right to choose.

Yet the Health Department has already allotted 5 million doses of the vaccine to New York City: a swarm of impending shots to make healthy nurses and doctors alike quiver in their scrubs. It's not that those who oppose the command are opposed to taking appropriate steps in the name of the greater good; it's simply a matter of rights. If a nurse feels that they are at risk for contracting the virus, and that they will in turn transmit this virus to their patients, then that is the personal responsibility of the individual to make an informed decision to be vaccinated or not. But allowing a person to choose... that's just proper Democracy.

Still, the controversy goes beyond the mandate, and even beyond the depth of the research and testing of the vaccine. In fact, the H1N1 vaccine was tested more rigorously this year than was the vaccine for the more common flu. While this fact is frightening in and of itself, another more harrowing consideration is what infectious disease specialists, such as Dr. Kent Holtorf has to say on the matter. In an interview with Fox News*, Dr. Holtorf revealed that the vaccine itself contains dangerous levels of a type of mercury that could seriously damage the nervous system (Try to ignore the fear mongering while watching the video, and pay attention to the facts that the doctor puts forth).

It is worth a minute of time to stop and think about what is being asked of (or rather, dictated to) these health care workers. While swine flu itself is undoubtedly a cause for concern, is it ever wise to insist on only one solution to any problem when it comes to our well-being? And is it worth it for a person to risk their own personal health in the name of regulating a relatively mild sickness that so far (like previous epidemic scares) has only harmed very small portions of the population? While it is understandable to make sacrifices for public well-being at large, must we force one solution onto people, or allow them to decide for themselves how to be healthy?

It's only public option... that's all I'm advocating here.


*And yes, I know... FoxNews is usually not the most credible source of information. But this was the only online video I could find of this man, and he actually makes some sense, so I figured it was worth posting.

1 comment:

  1. Little crack in Fox News haha.

    Another sign of us attacking the symptom, not the disease...
