The Nation Magazine has published a list of 30 top media heroes, as voted for and appointed by its readers. Surprisingly (or maybe not so much), although the pole was coming from a progressive online blog, many of the top spots went to TV personalities, mostly from MSNBC. I'm not so sure how I feel about MSNBC getting so much credit from liberal-progressive readers, but I'm at least glad that Amy Goodman made it to the [almost] top of the list:
1. Rachel Maddow (MSNBC)
2. Amy Goodman (Democracy Now!)
3. Glenn Greenwald (Salon)
4. Matt Taibbi (Rolling Stone and more)
5. Bill Moyers (formerly PBS)
6. Jon Stewart (The Daily Show)
7. Keith Olbermann (MSNBC)
8. Jeremy Scahill (The Nation)
9. Paul Krugman (New York Times)
10. Stephen Colbert (Colbert Report)
11. Chris Hayes (The Nation, MSNBC)
12. Seymour Hersh (The New Yorker and more)
13. Chris Hedges (The Nation and more)
14. Arianna Huffington (Huffington Post)
15. Jane Hamsher (FireDogLake)
16. Cenk Uygur (The Young Turks)
17. Naomi Klein (The Nation)
18. Dylan Rattigan (MSNBC)
19. Bill Maher (HBO)
20. Frank Rich (New York Times)
21. David Sirota (syndicated columnist)
22. Thom Hartmann (radio)
23. Julian Assange (WikiLeaks)
24. Digby -- i.e. Heather Parton (blogger)
25. Greg Palast (writer)
26. Ed Schultz (MSNBC)
27. Laura Flanders (GRIT TV and more)
28. Allison Kilkenny-Jamie Kilstein (Citizen Radio team)
29. Sam Seder (Huffington Post and Majority Report)
30. Jim Hightower (The Nation and more)
Also recieving honorable mention were Markos Moulistas, Lawrence O'Donnell, Katrina vandenHeuvel, Eric Boehlert, Bob Herbert, Josh Marshall, Marcy Wheeler, Robert Scheer, Helen Thomas, Dean Baker, Yves Smith, Nick Kristof, Ezra Klein, Atrios, Mike Malloy, Max Blumenthal, Joe Conason, Robert Fisk, Melissa Harris-Perry, David Swanson, Nate Silver, Ali Abuniman, Gail Collins, Dave Weigel, Eugene Robinson.
Kudos to these various journalists for having the cahones to tell it like it is! What do you say? Who are some of YOUR personal media heroes who perhaps did not make the list?
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